Women and Leadership In Family Business
This program is designed to improve the leadership capabilities and performance of high potential business women. Research shows that companies with a higher percentage of women in top management also experience a higher Return on Equity and Return on Sales.
Time & Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
About the Event
The most successful women have vision, fortitude, and the ability to work in competitive environments
without compromising their unique traits and skill sets. Research shows that companies with a higher
percentage of women in top management also experience a higher Return on Equity and Return on Sales.
This program provides critical information and leadership insights designed to help high-potential women
improve performance and productivity within their unique business environments.
This program is designed to improve the leadership capabilities and performance of high potential
professional women.
Who should attend:
• Women from business families, whose role, active or passive.
• Women counsellors and consultants of family businesses.
• Women In leadership roles.
Key Learning:
• Find your executive voice while gaining an understanding of real and perceived gender differences in workplace
• Create a personal brand and message and apply it to relationships inside and outside
of your organization.
• Build a personal and professional network to help ensure career success.
• Effectively negotiate deals that create lasting value for yourself and your organization.
• How Remarkable Women Lead - Case Study.